The DESIS Forum and Exhibition in Tongji University
五月 , 26th , 2009 -- 8 : 45 下午A DESIS forum and exhibition were co-organized by Tongji University and DESIS-CHINA in Shanghai during Inauguration Ceremony for College of Design Innovation, Tongji University on May 26th 2009.
DESIS Forum 2009 focuses research on Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability in China. There were seven speeches by speakers from seven universities in China and Europe. Prof. Yrjo Sotamaa had the first speech on “ Designing Schools for Social Innovation”, presenting the significance of DESIS and how design schools can play a role in it. Five Professors from founding members of DESIS-China had speeches to present the research experiences on related topics and blueprint including Prof. Tong Huimin, Dean of College of Design, Guagnzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Prof. Lorraine Justice, Dean of School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Prof. Ji Tie from School of Design, Hunan University, Prof. Lou Yongqi from College of Design Innovation, Tongji University, Prof. Zhang Xian from School of Design, Jiangnan University. A representative of Politecnico di Miano, Mr. Miaosen Gong presented collaborative project DESIS09: Social Innovation and Connection. Prof. Wu Jiang, Vice President of Tongji University attended the forum and had a welcome speech. Prof. Wu Guoxin, Head of Art and Design department, was moderator of Forum. (for more information of program, pls see Annex)
DESIS Exhibition was to show some related research experiences in international research community. Supported by DESIS-International, several projects as SEP, EMUDE, CCSL in Europe were exhibited.
The Forum and Exhibition are great occasions to exchange the research experiences between DESIS-International and DESIS-China. It’s another milestone of DESIS-China after Kick-off meeting in March in Guangzhou.
In the meaning time, the website of DESIS-China started to work: It will be an important platform of the network.
论坛关注中国在“为社会创新与可持续设计”方面的研究现状。来自中国和欧洲七个设计院校的主讲代表分别做了精彩的演讲和报告。Yrjo Sotamaa 教授做了题为“为社会创新的设计院校”的演讲,强调该研究方向的意义以及设计院校如何在其中发挥作用;论坛中来自5所国内设计院校的教授分别陈述了各自院校在该研究领域的项目、经验和看法,主讲人包括广美设计学院院长童慧明教授、香港理工大学设计学院Loraine Justice 教授、湖南大学设计学院季铁教授、同济大学设计创意学院娄永琪教授和江南大学张宪老师等;米兰理工大学也派出代表巩淼森博士介绍合作项目-“DESIS09: 社会创新与连接”。此外,同济大学副校长伍江教授出席了该论坛,并致欢迎辞;论坛由设计艺术系主任吴国欣教授主持。
DESIS展览主要是为了介绍部分欧洲在该领域的研究经验,在DESIS-International的支持下,展出多个欧洲的研究项目成果,包括SEP、EMUDE、CCSL等。通过这次DESIS论坛和展览,在DESIS.China.发起院校之间以及与DESIS-International之间有了深入交流的机会, 这是 DESIS-China 继三月份成立会议之后又一个里程碑。另外,DESIS-China的官方网站进入试运行阶段,该网站会成为国内该研究领域一个重要的信息发布、资源共享和日常交流的平台。