刊号:ISSN0412-3662(国际) / CN11-1392/J
作者:季铁 Ji Tie / 胡莹 Hu Ying
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On November 25th, 2009, the School of Design of Hunan University and Nokia Beijing Research Center jointly held a week-long Interaction Design Workshop which proved to be a great success.
This workshop is part of the Interaction Design Module for undergraduates, which aims to take the advantage of practical subject-cultivation method in the specific professional area to promote the students’ comprehensive capability, including their design fundamental knowledge and design software skills. The students took the practical design and research projects of Nokia’s Beijing Research Center as research subjects. Teachers from the School of Design together with designers and researchers of Nokia’s Beijing Research Center gave precious guidance and suggestions to students’ works. Thanks to this workshop, students gained more profound knowledge about interaction design and accumulated great experiences on practical ground.
Participant: (names) listed in no particular order
Leader:Huang Yijia
Director: Chen Jingjing
Member: Li Lu,Jiao Chenglu , Lu Xiao, Zhou Zhenhong, Li Hua
Leader:Liang Zhongwen
Director: Liang Zhongwen
Member: Wang Xiaodan, Wu Shanshan, Huang Hua, Yang Yanming, Xu Yang, Wang Zhongyu
Leader:Tan Zhihua
Director: Sheng Xi
Member: Xie Jingjing, Liang Qiao, Fu Jie, Fu Lei
Joy in
Leader:Liang Bing
Director: He Fang
Member: Liu Chunliang, Liu Jing, Zhang Yinzi, Yang Xu
Leader:Huang Minglan
Director: He Zhaoda
Member: Hu Tingting, Tan Zhengtang, Zhou Ning, Wang Linglong, Luo Qingyi, Zhu Jingzhi
近日,2009第五届『方正奖』中文字体设计大赛评审结果揭晓。由Comdesign Lab成员陈星海老师的学生作品获得创意字体设计单元的大奖,其中许英杰的作品《灵隐》获得靳埭强评审委员奖;肖昊鹏的作品《武士醉酒》获得优秀奖!
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Proceeding 2009 IEEE 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design Conceptual Design
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0949B – CDR
ISBN: 978-1-4244-5268-2
Library of Congress: 2009935511
Author: Ying Hu,Tie Ji,Lu Li
Date base: EI Compendex
Fifty years ago, Licklider illustrated a future image of on-line community. Warner concluded the structure of users’ “clique” and then we have a consistent way to define users. Until today these theories keep inspiring us when we need to find a way out facing with the global crisis. Nowadays social networking service has already become the focus point in IT industry, but most social networks are generally doing the same thing which lead to the waste of internet resources and users’ energy. The question is: how to design services that are really needed or expected by users? In this paper we discussed the changing of focus from user to service. The definition and structure of service cluster may bring some opportunities to the development of social networking service design today.
Keywords: social networking, service design, interaction,user cluster, service cluster
“New Channel design & social innovation summer camp”, a project held by Comdesignlab joins the exhibition of “Next Design”. It will be open from 15th to 20th October, in No. 800 Changde Road in Shanghai.
What is Next Design? Will it be high-tech? Will it be futurism? Or will it be the return of craftsmanship? DESIS (Design for Social Innovation & Sustainability)gives the answer by taking action: Next Design is all about social innovation and sustainability!
On Sep. 24th, 2009, Professor Makoto Watanabe from Chiba University visited School of Design. Dean He Renke together with Professor Ji Tie warmly welcomed his visiting and introduced to him the up-to-date information of teaching, researching and international exchanging in School of Design.
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Comdesignlab成员易幸幸、姜昱竹同学的作品—«Paper Folding»入选《4th Block》国际生态海报三年展SOCIAL ECO PROJECT / 生态-动态展示类。这是我实验室继入围法国肖蒙、捷克布尔诺、意大利威尼斯、希腊萨卡岛等国际大型海报展之后的又一次突破。
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6月26号中午,成果发布会在湖南大学设计艺术学院空调教室举行。MOTO北京设计中心用户界面设计部经理Dennis Poon主持了此次展示。与会嘉宾有设计院何人可院长,MOTO资深媒体设计师张震波,MOTO交互设计师高岩。Dennis首先简要介绍了此次WORKSHOP五天的工作流程,随后,参与同学按小组以 PPT的形式展示了他们的工作成果,并与观众进行了激烈探讨。
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2009年6月22日上午,MOTO INTERACTION UI DESIGN.WORKSHOP在湖南大学继续教育楼401室拉开序幕。MOTO北京设计中心UI设计部经理Dennis.Poon,资深媒体设计师张震波,交互设计师高岩受邀来到湖南大学设计艺术学院,开始为期五天的创新工作坊。
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