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/ Bridge—New Chinese Design and Innovation

“2012米兰·中国设计创新展” 即将开展 “Bridge—New Chinese Design and Innovation” Exhibition is about to Open

六月 , 12th , 2012 -- 6 : 49 下午
2012年6月15日至7月15日,由中国科技部与意大利教育科研部联合主办、中意设计创新中心承办的“2012米兰·中国设计创新展” 即将在意大利米兰三年展设计博物馆展出。
From June 15th to July 15th 2012, the “Bridge—New Chinese Design and Innovation” Exhibition will be held in Triennale Design Museum in Milan.
This exhibition is co-hosted by China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Italian Ministry for Education, Universities, and Research, and is organized by China-Italy Design and Innovation Center (CIDIC).Themed as “Bridge”, this exhibition is the first important event for CIDIC’s promotion in Italy. It is composed of two parts: “Expo Conversation” and “Design Future”.
同济大学负责“对话世博”主题,展示中国城市设计、建筑、时尚及设计人才培养成果;湖南大学负责 “设计未来”主题,项目组用三个月的时间完成了对北京、上海、深圳、米兰等80多位创意者的设计访谈,访谈对象包括创新企业、设计公司、设计教育代表、设计组织与媒体、跨界设计师以及国际友人,真实地记录下了中国当下的工业设计创意生态及对中国未来设计发展的思考,最后剪辑完成300分钟、80部短片以交互影像的方式呈现在三年展博物馆。
The former is done by Tongji University, presenting the achievements of urban planning, architecture, fashion and design education in China; the latter is done by Hunan University.“Design Future” contains 80+ interview videos that last more than 300 minutes. The working team of Hunan University set off for Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Milan etc. in 3 months, interviewed innovative companies, design studios, design educators, design organization, design media, independent designers and other people. The purpose of recording interviews of such a big amount is to illustrate the ecological map of Chinese design and the expectation of design future in China. All the videos will be showed in the exhibition in an interactive way.
During the exhibition, there will be promotional events for “LotusPrize” International Design and Innovation Competition held by Hunan Industrial Design Association, and for “Red Star Award” held by Beijing Industrial Design Center.
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