“Doye Boxes”(多耶盒),由来自英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院的Alessia Milo和沈艺女士设计。Doye(多耶)是一种侗族传统多人舞蹈,也是侗锦中象征团结和谐的纹饰图案。在这款设计中,多耶图案通过侗族刺绣和剪纸呈现,通过盒子翻转与盒子之间拼合、不同接触面的碰撞,可以听到多首侗乐和多耶现场声效,以及光影变化。
“Doye Boxes” is designed by Alessia Milo and Ms. Yi Shen. Doye is a traditional group dancing of Dong people, as well as a pattern indicating harmony in Dong brocade. In this design, Doye pattern is presented as Dong embroidery and paper-cutting. By rolling over the Doye box, or combining different boxes, different sound effect and color would be presented.