
Duo Ye


Duo Ye is a kind of Dong song which is popular in Dong districts. There are two kinds of Ye: male singing and female singing. When it comes to festivals and weddings or other big events, the singers will match up with each other and sing. The lyric content is mainly about daily life. Duo Ye is the most representative singing in Dong minority.


Ancestor Worship


Dong people worship for many gods, among which the greatest one is called Sa Sui, who is the heroine of Dong. Dong people worship for many gods, among which the greatest one is called Sa Sui, who is the heroine of Dong. She is the lord of all, protecting the villages, ensuring good harvests. The local residents worship her for thousands of years, and she is deep into the daily living of Dong people. 



Media Attention and Awards

“New Channel” drew social attention and got good feedback since launched, and was reported more than 20 times via medias from network, graphic and TV. The design and social innovation of “Markor Furnishing.New Channel” project was honourably mentioned as “The Ten Model of Public Welfare Project of Chinese Enterprises in 2011” by “Global Charity” on Jan. 8, 2012.


HNU “New Channel Social Innovation Design” took first prize of communication in CUIDC on October 25, 2012 and “special award for community research on public sphere” in Gmark in the same year of November.



Home Furnishing and Service Design

Tongdao is rich in forest resources and species and praised for bountiful and fine materials. From the perspective of traditional crafts, Tongdao has people with excellent carpentry skills. The increase of household income, the update of houses and the pursuit of better life brought a huge consumption potential on local furniture market. Redesign the relationship of farmers, local carpenters, government, tree farm, furniture manufacturing enterprises, local tree farm and other social groups by home furnishing and service design schemes such as handmade custom furniture, purchasing furniture in local place and other places, government support etc. The innovation mechanism of furniture design comes from three aspects: the design custom made for the countryside by the cooperation of government and design organizations; government provides training to carpenters and carpenters creates solutions; the cooperation with local design schools. This kind of brand new business model can achieve the win-win.







Rural Communities Study–Design for Thinking

The group of Rural Communities Study explored the merits of handwork memory and rural cultural resources during the process of China’s urbanization and industrialization. And systematically compared the development of Chinese rural construction movement and experience of community building in Asia and social innovation in Europe. Analyzed the present projects of rural practice thoroughly, pondered the value system of ways of live in rural oriented to cultural innovation and design during the process of urban-rural interaction in the new economic system.


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