2016年7月18日,工作坊持续进行, 9点大家开始音乐盒的设计与制作。上午湖南省工业设计协会的杨苗女士来通道基地慰问,与王巍老师、Nick教授进行交流了工作坊进程。中午大家分别展示大家的设计雏形,同时Nick与王巍分别对大家的设计进行了点评。



On 18th July 2016, the fourth day of workshop, students continued to work on their design idea and build the demo of musical box. Miss Miao Yang from Industrial Design Society of Hunan Province visited the Hengling base and discussed with Prof. Nick, Prof Jennifer, and Dr. Wei about the design.
Before lunch, each team presented the progress of design, based on which Nick and Wei gave suggestions on the design and making.
After lunch, Wei invited the local Mr. Long, who is a bamboo craftsman from local, to share the process of making and weaving the bamboo with students. Mr. Long kindly helped students to make their design and give suggestions on further steps. Prof. Nick also asked Mr. Long to help to make the form of his design with bamboo material. In the end, he invited Mr. Long to give his signature on the bamboo.
Afterwards, Nick and Wei, together with part of the students, visited the silver craftsman and sachet craftsman in Pingri village. Student who designed the demo related to the sachet presented the music demo to local craftsman and discussed with them.
After dinner, students continued working hard to prepare the presentation next day.