Sunday | December 22 , 2024


六月 11th, 2009

《me》 作者:刘方义

希腊伊萨卡岛海报竞赛始于2002年,是由希腊伊萨卡市发起的文化活动,它希望通过该竞赛加强该岛的文化形象,促进艺术的视觉传达。本次大赛的主题为“I”一个自己的“画像”。当我站在镜子面前,我看到什么?如何审视自己?别人如何看我?什么样的形象最能代表我?什么样的形象最能代表我自己:社会或政治身份,我的灵感,我的生活习惯还是我的旅行?本次大赛奖项设定一二三等奖各一名;获奖及入选的10张海报作品将将被印制成横幅尺寸200 × 60厘米的海报,在整个2009年的夏天挂满希腊伊萨卡的长廊。

The DESIS Forum and Exhibition in Tongji University

五月 26th, 2009

A DESIS forum and exhibition were co-organized by Tongji University and DESIS-CHINA in Shanghai during Inauguration Ceremony for College of Design Innovation, Tongji University on May 26th 2009.
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地域性非物质文化与本土设计体系/Regional Intangible Culture’s Sustainable Development and Local Design Innovation

五月 25th, 2009



刊号:ISSN 1008-1763(国际)/CN 43-1286(国内)
作者:季铁 Ji Tie/杨媛媛 Yang Yuanyuan/赵江洪 Zhao Jianghong

摘要 本文将探讨如何将多样化的非物质文化融入本土设计体系的架构与组织模式,并在此基础上运用现代的工业设计与传播设计方法,挖掘其智慧与情感价值,营造先进的多样化本土社会,以适应后工业社会人类多元化的精神需求和全球化的可持续发展战略。 关键词:地域性 非物质文化 本土设计体系 可持续 工业设计 传播设计


Comdesignlab成员陈星海老师指导的学生获得意大利Good 50×70 2009最佳海报设计奖

五月 23rd, 2009

日前Good 50×70 2009海报设计竞赛结果发布,在陈星海老师(湖南大学传播设计实验室团队成员)的指导下,浙江工业大学艺术学院大三视觉传达专业的周阳、刘方义、张甜甜、茅怡、王荭、方婕6位同学获得最佳海报设计奖,作品共六件。

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五月 19th, 2009




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耐克全球设计部人力资源总监Lisa Olivia女士再次来访我院

五月 14th, 2009

2009年5月13日,来自美国耐克公司的全球设计部人力资源总监Lisa Olivia女士到设计艺术学院交流考察。

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数字影像原型的构建方法与应用 / A building methods and application for video prototype design

五月 12th, 2009

刊号:ISSN 1001-3563(国际)/CN 50-1094/TB(国内)
作者:田飞 Tian Fei / 季铁 Ji Tie



Nike design origin philosophy process

五月 12th, 2009


五月 5th, 2009

2009年4.18-28日,传播设计实验室季铁教授受意大利TVN(网络电视台)邀请,在米兰达芬奇国家科技博物馆参加了第三届国际数字娱乐节论坛和米兰设计周的系列活动,并分别做了“Communication&Innovation”和“TypoChina Future”两场主题演讲。
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五月 4th, 2009

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Laboratory center for Art Design of Hunan University Became a Member of the Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Higher Education Institutions

四月 26th, 2009

After a serious of strictly conducted investigation and judgement, the School of Design, ranking first in design and art schools, successfully became one of the Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Higher Education Institutions. So far it is the second national experimental teaching demonstration center in Hunan University. Laboratory center for Art Design has four labs, ComDesign Lab being the most important part, has been dedicating to foster talents that are capable of international outlook and good at media technologies. During the investigation, ComDesign Lab did the better part of preparation work.

Seminar for Interaction Design modules (II)

四月 8th, 2009

A seminar for Interaction Design course module was held on April 8, 2009 in the Continuing Education Building. It is also the last lesson for the course of Foundations of Interaction Design. Students made presentations to publish their works and teachers made comments. Hu Ying, who is the teacher in charge of the course, Tan hao, Yuan Xiang, Tan Zhengyu and some other teachers in the module attended the seminar. Two Nokia researchers, Liu Ying and Wang Wei gave wonderful lectures to students.
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三月 25th, 2009

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三月 8th, 2009


三月 6th, 2009

Different “self” makes up this colorful Post-modern society. At the very beginning of the course, I realized that traditional calligraphy and classical topography were not attractive to these teenagers, especially when they were completely snowed under with seven Specialty Courses and always surrounded by keywords like “flee”,”confusion “,” trouble”. I thereupon turned design lectures into chat. I encouraged them to use professional methods to express their extreme emotions and self-awareness, try to understand and release their own personalities. Maybe that can be regarded as the beginning of the “identity design”.
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三月 3rd, 2009

Persona presentation

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The kick-off of the Interaction Design Lectures

二月 26th, 2009

The kick-off of the Interaction Design Lectures was held on February 26, 2009 in the Continuing Education Building. Juha-Matti Kyyra, design engineer in Nokia headquarters in Finland, Wang Wei, researcher in Nokia Research Beijing, He Renke, Dean of School of Design, attended the seminar with teachers responsible for the lectures and students who were interested in the courses. 
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二月 11th, 2009

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Mr. Gordon Bruce visited our school again

一月 15th, 2009

Mr. Gordon Bruce, who was one of the judges for the Lotus Prize, conducted a face to face exchange with students in Design School of Hunan University on January 12, 2009.
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“LotusPrize” International Industrial Design and Innovation Competition

一月 14th, 2009

The “LotusPrize” is established by Hunan Provincial Government and co-hosted by Hunan Science and Technology Bureau and Hunan Gold Eagle Broadcasting System. This competition focuses on the combination of industrialization and informationization, promote the innovation of industrial design with the help of talents both home and abroad, enhance the comprehensive power and core competitive power of industry in Hunan. “LotusPrize” is endorsed by International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) and International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media (Cumulus). Besides, the competition is also endorsed by China Industrial Design Association, and world renowned judges are invited. “Innovation, harmony and value” is the theme of “LotusPrize”.

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